Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Rain Effect

I gathered the essentials in my little bag: sunglasses, water, magazine, phone, snack, pen and paper. I dodged the dogs and headed to my spot. I went down the steps of the deck slowly, and got the seat cushion out of storage so I could soak up some sun. I didn't put up the umbrella because when I look up I get dizzy. It actually is a funny sight watching me try to put the umbrella up. I try to put the pin in the hole before I fall over. It's like a game. And, since I'm not quite tall enough, I have to stand on the uneven sloped umbrella stand which makes it even more of a challenge. Then, I get to laughing at myself which makes matters worse. So, hence, I left the umbrella as it was.

I read for a bit then curled up, got super comfortable and started to doze. At precisely that moment, the threatening gray clouds moved between me and the sun and dropped a teasing drip here and there. It was just enough to make me have to decide to either stay or go back inside. I opted to stay. As the drips became steadier, I put the cushion away, and took cover on my canopied swing. I stretched out across the swing so that nothing would get wet. Then I just watched the rain.

It got increasingly heavier and I sat hoping that the wind wouldn't shift. I watched as water filled the cracks between the brick pavers. I listened to the drops hit the leaves on the trees. I truly enjoyed sitting out there being able to watch the rain at such a close vantage point. When the rain stopped a few minutes later, I was disappointed.

I normally wish for sun, but today, I'm glad it rained.

I am grateful for: the rain, my swing, and God.


  1. That is what we in the business call a prose poem!

  2. I came back to this page unintended. I'm glad I did. It looks like rain here today three years after you are gone. I'm glad you stopped by in my mind today to make me smile and remember a good time.
