Thursday, June 30, 2011


Several years ago, I read a book that talked about the benefits of meditating.  I tried to incorporate it into a routine, and succeeded for a few months.  Last year, I started doing it again, but I was lucky if I could last five minutes a day.  I always felt like I wasn't doing it right.  I tried to clear my mind, and a thought would sneak in and I would dwell on it for a few moments until I realized that I needed to concentrate on breathing.  

Today, I meditate twice a day and have for 24 days which according to some people means that it is now a habit.  Most days, I can meditate for 30 minutes per session, but sometimes it is only for five minutes.  24 days ago, I was attending a program called Perfect Health at the Chopra Center near San Diego.  It was a fabulous week and I learned about Ayurveda Healing.  One of the tenets is meditation and I committed to doing it then.  They taught us to ignore any thoughts that came to mind, and to ignore distractions.  And, just be comfortable. 

Another aspect of Ayurveda is the way it teaches you to choose your food.  At every meal, you are to choose something from the six taste groups:  sweet, salty, bitter, sour, pungent, and astringent.  The point is so that you feel satisfied and aren't craving a missing taste.  I thought it made a lot of sense, and easily justifies my need for dessert.  Yay!  I'm not great about getting every taste at every meal, but I'm working on it.  I'm also working on the daily routines.  Get up early, eat lunch between 12 and 1, and dinner around 6.    Not easy. 

But, if I want to see changes in my health, I need to make changes.  And, stick to 'em. 

Today I was grateful for: my children's busy schedules and that they need me, clean laundry, and FileMaker databases.

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