Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ever get a feeling?

Have you ever gotten a strong feeling that you were supposed to do something? Or you may feel that you've received messages of sorts that are prompting you to take some sort of action.

I believe that I've been receiving messages that I am supposed to spend more time in nature. Now before I go any further, let me tell you that I am not a tree-hugger. I love trees, don't get me wrong. And I'll even hug them, but I don't yearn to be under them or in them every day. I get squeamish at most bugs, couldn't handle a snake, and have gone camping three times in my adult life.

So last year is when it started. My sister started talking about getting an RV and ever since then, I have wanted an RV. Even though I don't quite know what I would do with one if I actually had one.

Last spring I read a book titled Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra that talked about a woman being healed after she spent time in nature. Right away I started to make plans to go to Maine this summer. While I was in Maine, I felt fabulous. We walked and did things "in nature" every day. And, interestingly, I haven't felt that great since coming home.

And then today I was reading a book about Chokras and to balance both the red and the orange chokras, the book suggested spending time in nature.

So I believe I am getting a message of some kind and I plan to take nature-walks as much as possible. I'm not quite sure what else to do. Anyone have an RV for sale?

Today I am grateful for my sister, summer, and trees.


  1. Well I certainly know what you're talking about. My citified life of the past 30 years gets to me, so I plant a garden (AND EAT THE PRODUCE THEREFROM), and I keep an eternal eye on the sky, and I note the various bugs that appear, and I see the changing angle of the sunlight through the year. But nature is also the deep structures, the protons, the neutrons, the gravitational warps of black holes. It's unfamiliar to our experience, but it's there and it's a part of it all.

  2. I am also looking forward to seeing my Morning Glories in bloom. I see that they are ready. They produce the loveliest blue flowers, a noon-day blue. I have always loved the direct colors and light of noon, of mid-day, of how things look at the meridian.

  3. Still don't have the RV, but am still thinking about it. I love you Jill. I miss you horribly. I'm so glad I stumbled onto these again.
