Friday, July 29, 2011

The little things

I started off the day with such a lack of energy that i seriously wondered how I was going to get to the end of the day. It was a chore to move. And of course I hadn't brought any lunch so I had to go get something.

I called in my lunch order to Isaac's Deli and arrived just as it was supposed to be ready. As I pulled into the spot marked Take-out only, I was very grateful there was such a thing. Right then my left foot's toes decided to lock up.

Sometimes with neurapathy, a Charlie-horse type cramp settles into my toes so that moving them is not going to happen. I took off my shoe and sock and gently tried to coax my toes into moving. After what seemed like forever, I was able to stand and go get my food.

Since I was feeling wiped out, I had ordered the Twisted Chicken. It is a warm sandwich with a piece of chicken breast, spinach, tomato, and mustard sauce on a pretzel roll. It was perfect for me. I've had no appetite lately, but I was able to eat half of it.

The energy boost I got from eating was noticeable and I was able to finish the work I had intended to complete. Again I was grateful.

In the middle of the day, I started to get what I call "blurry lines". It is like my visual field is cut by a line of blurriness. Yet another side effect. So the last time this had happened, I ate a few pieces of chocolate and it immediately went away. So, obviously, I tried chocolate again and it worked immediately. I was thrilled. I wish everything was that easy.

So today I am grateful for: SECCO, food, and chocolate.

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